
"Email" is a product working in combination with "Symantec Messaging Gateway" as part of a range of services offered by Broadcom, headquartered in California. It features spam filtering, firewall protection, and block lists with resource guides of detailed troubleshooting steps for email delivery. Additionally, a legitimate email which has been incorrectly given a verdict of spam can be submitted to Symantec for analysis and filter review.

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421All 421 codes →

smtp;421 Service Temporarily Unavailable

450All 450 codes →

smtp;450 Requested action aborted [9] #-#, please visit for more details about this error message.

550All 550 codes →

smtp;550 Invalid recipient <> (#5.1.1)

553All 553 codes →

smtp;553 Message filtered. Refer to the Troubleshooting page at for more information. (#5.7.1)

smtp;553 you are trying to use me [] as a relay, but I have not been configured to let you [x.xx.xx.xx,] do this. Please visit for more details about this error message and instructions to resolve this issue. (#5.7.1)

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