SMTP Error Code 450

The mail server encountered a temporary failure. If the command is repeated without any change, it might be completed. Mail servers can use temporary failures like this to keep untrusted senders at bay.


Email service providers

ComcastAll Comcast codes →

smtp;450 4.2.0 <> - Recipient temporarily unavailable

Low severity

GoogleAll Google codes →

smtp;450 4.2.1 The user you are trying to contact is receiving mail at a rate that prevents additional messages from being delivered. Please resend your message at a later time. If the user is able to receive mail at that time, your message will be delivered. For more information, please visit - gsmtp

Medium severity

ImprovMXAll ImprovMX codes →

smtp;450 4.2.1 Please try again later. (#id-5.9.4)

InfomaniakAll Infomaniak codes →

smtp;450 4.1.8 Sender address rejected: Domain not found (in reply to RCPT TO command))

OutlookAll Outlook codes →

smtp;450 4.7.3 Organization queue quota exceeded. []

Medium severity

Yahoo IncAll Yahoo Inc codes →

smtp;450 User is receiving mail too quickly

Medium severity

YandexAll Yandex codes →

smtp;450 4.2.1 The recipient has exceeded message rate limit. Try again later.

Medium severity

Spam filters services

BarracudaAll Barracuda codes →

smtp;450 cuda_nsu 4.7.1 <>: Recipient address rejected: Policy Rejection- Abuse. Go away.

Medium severity

Email Security.cloudAll Email codes →

smtp;450 Requested action aborted [9] #-#, please visit for more details about this error message.

ZeroSpamAll ZeroSpam codes →

smtp;450 4.2.0 <>: Recipient address rejected: greylisted for 60 seconds by ZEROSPAM

Low severity

Other SMTP codes

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