
Orange is an internet service provider that provides free email accounts to both its customers and registered non-customers, headquartered in Paris. Eurproean receivers tend to have high expectations for GDPR legal complaince, so after you've ensured the mail is legitimate and following all best practices, you can typically report false-positive blocks and spam filtering to Orange's "Abuse Cell" team to investigate.

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501All 501 codes →

smtp;501 5.1.0 Emetteur invalide. Invalid Sender. OFR004_405 [405]

550All 550 codes →

smtp;550 5.2.0 Mail rejete. Mail rejected. ofr_506 [506]

smtp;550 5.1.1 Adresse d au moins un destinataire invalide. Invalid recipient. OFR_416 [416]

smtp;550 mwinfXXXX ME Adresse IP source bloquee pour incident de spam. Client host blocked for spamming issues. OFR006_102 Ref [102]

High severity

552All 552 codes →

smtp;552 5.1.1 Boite du destinataire pleine. Recipient overquota. OFR_417 [417]

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